
kia ora friends,

our knapsacks are packed, the portable tea-set fits perfectly, and we are excited to be canoeing across the digital realm on this adventure with y’all again!

last year we ran purplecon as an experiment. we clutched our star necklaces, and looked to the sky to see what would happen when we ran a conference with a different attitude. we learned a lot from last year, so this year we’re running another experiment.

this year we are splitting our ticket pool in half.

half of our tickets (waiporoporo/purple tickets) are reserved for people who self-identify as being from a marginalised* group in tech

the remaining half (māwhero/pink tickets) are for people who do not self-identify as being part of one (or more) of these groups.

note that these tickets will look identical on the day, and there is no way for other conference attendees to know which ticket type you’ve chosen.

we believe it’s important for everyone to have the opportunity to learn from and engage with the community. this ticket experiment is a small step we can take towards creating opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds and improving representation both at our conference and in the wider infosec space. we are not asking for proof or personal details, we trust you to get the ticket that best represents you.

we know that having limited tickets means some people will miss out on attending purplecon. this year we’ll have a bunch more tickets (!1!!) and we will be live streaming and recording the whole event. we want anyone, anywhere, to be able to astrally project themselves with great intensity into purplecon at their convenience.

we’re committed to running a good, safe, and wholesome event. here's a reminder to read through our code of conduct (and see how to report incidents).


tickets will cost $75 NZD (or $25 NZD for students/unwaged people)

buy tickets

Tickets are available here

if you have any questions or feedback, send your electronic mail to [email protected]

💜, your purple friens

*what does “marginalised” mean?

"To marginalise is to treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral"

In the context of the infosec industry the people who tend to experience marginalisation are (but not limited to) women, non-binary, trans, maori and pasifika, people of colour, people of different ages, people who are differently abled. this is also sometimes referred to as “social exclusion”, and it often means people from these groups have less access to rights, resources, and opportunities.

why is it good to have people from marginalised groups?

by working together but being different to eachother, you’re stronger. in diversity, there is strength. in experiments, diverse teams perform better.

and, well.... who would win?

  • The Avengers
  • The Avengers, but everyone is Captain America

a note for companies looking to buy a whole lottaa tickets

we’re glad you’re excited about purplecon! if you’re purchasing tickets on behalf of an organisation, we ask that you take into consideration the small size of our conference. we have chosen to stay a small conference for the time being because we want to sustainably grow our culture. purplecon is a small plant and we want to care for it and to help it grow 🌿. we’d love to have you all, but, it’s important to us that a wide range of people from different walks of life have the opportunity to attend.

to that end, we would appreciate if you limit your purchases to a small group of people (eg. 2-4 tickets). If you have a lot of people who are excited to attend and you aren’t sure you’ll be able to get tickets for everyone, consider hosting internal screening parties of the purplecon live stream.

we have done our best to make purplecon accessible to everyone by having a live stream, videos uploaded and free to view, and supporting documents provided by speakers.